The if
statement evaluates (or check) a conditi
on. If the condition evaluates to true
, any statements in the subsequent code block are executed.
example found in Chapter_04/Examples/c04/if-statement.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
JavaScript & jQuery - Chapter 4: Decisions & Loops - If Statement
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/c04.css" />
<section id="page1">
<img src="images/teacher.png" id="teacher" alt="teacher" />
<section id="answer"></section>
<script src="js/if-statement.js"></script>
var score = 75; // Score
var msg; // Message
if (score >= 50) {
// If score is 50 or higher
msg = "Congratulations!";
msg += " Proceed to the next round.";
var el = document.getElementById("answer");
el.textContent = msg;
Another example found in Chapter_04/Examples/c04/if-statement-with-function.html
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JavaScript & jQuery - Chapter 4: Decisions & Loops - If Statement
with Function
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/c04.css" />
<section id="page1">
<img src="images/teacher.png" id="teacher" alt="teacher" />
<section id="answer"></section>
<script src="js/if-statement-with-function.js"></script>
var score = 75; // Score
var msg = ""; // Message
function congratulate() {
msg += "Congratulations! ";
if (score >= 50) {
// If score is 50 or more
msg += "Proceed to the next round.";
var el = document.getElementById("answer");
el.innerHTML = msg;
The if...else
statment checks a condition. If it resolves to true
, the first code block is executed.
If the condition resolves to false
the second code block is run instead.
example found in Chapter_04/Examples/c04/if-else-statement.html
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JavaScript & jQuery - Chapter 4: Decisions & Loops - If... Else
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/c04.css" />
<section id="page1">
<img src="images/teacher.png" id="teacher" alt="teacher" />
<section id="answer"></section>
<script src="js/if-else-statement.js"></script>
var pass = 50; // Pass mark
var score = 75; // Current score
var msg; // Message
// Select message to write based on score
if (score > pass) {
msg = "Congratulations, you passed!";
} else {
msg = "Have another go!";
var el = document.getElementById("answer");
el.textContent = msg;