
Expressions & Operators


An expression evaluates into (results) in a single value. Broadly speaking there are two types of expressions.


Expressions rely on things called operators, they allow programmers to create a single value from one or more values.

Operation types are:

  1. Assignment operators.
    var color = "beige";
  2. Arithmetic operators.
    var area = 3 * 2;
  3. String operators.
    var greeting = "Hi " + "Molly";
  4. Comparison operators.
    var buy = 3 > 5;
  5. Logical operators.
    var buy = 5 > 3 && 2 < 4;

point 4 and 5 covered in chapter 4

Arithmetic operators

JavaScript contains the following mathematical operators, which you can use with numbers.

Name Operation Purpose & notes Example result
ADDITION + Adds one value to another 10 + 5 15
SUBTRACTION - Subtracts one value from another 10 - 5 5
DIVISION / Divides two values 10 / 2 2
MULTIPLICATION * Multiplies t wo values using an asterisk not x 10 * 5 50
INCREMENT ++ Adds one to the current number i = 10; i++; 11
DECREMENT ā€“ Subtracts one from the current number i = 10; iā€“; 9
MODULUS % Divides two values and returns the remainder 10 % 3 1

Order of execution

We have to take care of those rules with arithmetic operations:

  1. Multiplication and division are performed before addition or subtraction.
        total 2 + 4 * 10; // Result ??
  2. Parentheses are first calculated even before multiplications or division.
    total = (2 + 4) * 10; // result ??
// Ahmed write them c02/js/arithmetic-operator Program

String operator

There is just one string operator: the + symbol. It is used to join the strings on either side of it.


var firstName = "Ivy ";
var lastName = " Stone";
var fullName = firstName + lastName; // Ivy Stone


let firstName = "Ivy ";
let lastName = " Stone";
let fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;

Mixing number and strings together

When you place quotes around a number, it is a string (not a numeric data type), and you cannot perform addition operations on strings

var costl = "7";
var cost2 = "9 ";
var total = costl + cost2; // '79' as string not a number

If you try to add a numeric data type to a string, then the number becomes part of the string.

var number = 12;
var street = "Ivy Road";
var add = number + street; // '12Ivy Road'

If you try to use any of the other arithmetic operators on a string, then the value that results is usually a value called NaN means not a number.

var score = "seven ";
var score2 = " nine";
var total = score * score2; // NaN
// Ahmed write them c02/js/string-operator Program

References and Terms:

:information_source: Read more about Camel case :information_source: Read more about Snake case